SSLib Packages

Packages are developed and maintained in Linux and are available as source code (tar.gz). Some packages are also available as MS Windows binaries. See below for package availability and version numbers, and the Installation Section for instructions on installing and updating packages.

Packages with a name prefixed by “ss” are specific to statistical seismology. Other packages have a wider statistical application.

List of Software Packages

Package Name Contents Reference Manual
ssBase Base Functions for SSLib base.pdf
ssEDA Exploratory Data Analysis for Earthquake Data
(see Miscellaneous Notes below)
ssM8 M8 Earthquake Forecasting Algorithm
(see Miscellaneous Notes below)
Fractal Fractal Analyses fractal.pdf
HiddenMarkov Hidden Markov Models
(see Miscellaneous Notes below)
PtProcess Time Dependent Point Process Modelling
(see Miscellaneous Notes below)
PtProcessDev Development Software for PtProcess
(see Miscellaneous Notes below)

List of Catalogue Packages

These packages contain earthquake catalogues in a standard format. The data source and its time-space coverage is given in the package Reference Manual.

Package Name Contents Reference Manual
ssNZ Catalogue of NZ Earthquake Events
Data Source: GeoNet NZ
(see Miscellaneous Notes below)
ssSCEC SCEC Catalogue of Earthquake Events
Data Source: SCEC
(see Miscellaneous Notes below)
ssPDE PDE Catalogue of Earthquake Events
World Wide Events: Jan 1964 until Jul 2013
(see Miscellaneous Notes below)

Current Package Version Numbers and Dependencies

Source code (tar.gz) of packages, their version numbers, dates and dependencies are listed here. Some MS Windows binaries (.zip) are available for R version 4.1.

Packages are stored in a formal R package repository, and can be accessed using the standard R installation/updating software. It is much the easiest to install them within an active R session, where all package dependencies will automatically be installed too; see the package installation section.

Further package information can also be found on the front page of the relevant package Reference Manual and in the package DESCRIPTION file. Recent changes made to each package are listed in its particular Reference Manual under the topic “Change Log”.

Miscellaneous Notes

Package Name Miscellaneous Notes
ssEDA The packages ssNZ, ssPDE and ssSCEC are required to run a number of the examples on the manual pages. However, the ssEDA package will run normally (except for these examples) without these catalogues installed.

The maps package contains the geographical mapping software (available from CRAN), but contains only low resolution versions of maps. High resolution map data are contained in the complementary mapdata package (also available from CRAN).
ssM8 The package ssNZ is required to run a number of the examples. However, the ssM8 package will run normally (except for these examples) without ssNZ installed.
HiddenMarkov Mathematical Background Notes: notes.pdf.

Also available from CRAN.
PtProcess Also available from CRAN.
PtProcessDev This development software is for a space-time ETAS model, and for providing earthquake forecasts. Documentation is incomplete, and what there is can be found on the html pages within the package. The software is unstable and likely to be modified.
ssNZ There is a serious discrepancy in magnitudes during and after 2012 (SeisComp) compared to those before 2012 (CUSP). There is also inconsistency in the processing of SeisComp data during 2012–2015 compared to that since 2016. See taupo.pdf (numbers of deep events) and the warning in the ssNZ package manual, topic “ssNZ-package”, for more details.
ssSCEC Is not included within the SSLib R-Repository due to space limitations on the web server. It can be downloaded from Google Docs.
ssPDE Is not included within the SSLib R-Repository due to space limitations on the web server. It can be downloaded from Google Docs.