These reference manuals give definitions for each function and dataset contained within the package.
Package | PDF File |
Fractal | fractal.pdf |
HiddenMarkov | HiddenMarkov.pdf |
PtProcess | PtProcess.pdf |
PtProcessDev | ppdev.pdf |
ssBase | base.pdf |
ssEDA | eda.pdf |
ssM8 | m8.pdf |
ssNZ | nz.pdf |
ssSCEC | scec.pdf |
Mathematical Background Notes for Package “HiddenMarkov” (notes.pdf).
PtProcess: An R Package for Modelling Marked Point Processes Indexed by Time. Journal of Statistical Software 35(8), 1–32, 2010. doi: 10.18637/jss.v035.i08.
Using R for Statistical Seismology. R News 5(1), 31–35, 2005. ISSN 1609-3631. URL:
An Introduction to the R Language. Workshop given at GNS Science in June 2008, Ministry of Fisheries in Feb 2011, and GNS Science in May/June 2014 (intro.pdf).
Writing an R Package. Workshop given at NIWA in Nov 2007 (package.pdf).