SSLib Documentation

Package Manuals

These reference manuals give definitions for each function and dataset contained within the package.

Package PDF File
Fractal fractal.pdf
HiddenMarkov HiddenMarkov.pdf
PtProcess PtProcess.pdf
PtProcessDev ppdev.pdf
ssBase base.pdf
ssEDA eda.pdf
ssM8 m8.pdf
ssNZ nz.pdf
ssSCEC scec.pdf

Miscellaneous Documents

Mathematical Background Notes for Package “HiddenMarkov” (notes.pdf).

PtProcess: An R Package for Modelling Marked Point Processes Indexed by Time. Journal of Statistical Software 35(8), 1–32, 2010. doi: 10.18637/jss.v035.i08.

Using R for Statistical Seismology. R News 5(1), 31–35, 2005. ISSN 1609-3631. URL:

An Introduction to the R Language. Workshop given at GNS Science in June 2008, Ministry of Fisheries in Feb 2011, and GNS Science in May/June 2014 (intro.pdf).

Writing an R Package. Workshop given at NIWA in Nov 2007 (package.pdf).

The R Manuals.